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Notice that Alex and I have on the same expression in my profile picture. Me: scientist/engineer, aspiring novelist, daring adventurer, animal lover. This is my story.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Sick and Tired

I came down with a cold on Monday. Thursday, I'm still coughing and depressed. I didn't do as well as I wanted on my last midterm in biological wastewater treatment class. I wanted an A. I got a B. I studied a lot. I'm bummed about it, which of course does no good.
I've done some pretty cool stuff the last few weeks but I lack the will to blog about it at the moment. I just want to mope.
Writing about moping is far more effective than just moping. Have you noticed. It's like accelerated moping... moping in fast forward. Ah well a B's not so bad. I think I need a B+ average this term. So I guess I'll just keep working. What happens if I don't get a 3.3 average this term. Well I won't get any more student loans. That's not the end of the world. It's not even the end of my getting a degree. I haven't used up the loan money from this term and I could get a job for my last term in school. So really it will turn out fine either way. Doesn't mean I won't stop trying though. I'll give it my best and that will be good enough one way or another. Poop! Why do I have to be all reasonable when I'm writing.
Here's how I feel: I'm sick.  My desk is all cluttered! My grades suck. I'm fat and I have a headache. Plus it's raining. So there! Yeah. I'm cranky. First world problems.


  1. I'm so sorry you didn't get the A. Most of what's wrong will be better when you feel better. Your daddy and I are under the weather too. Achy, fuzzy head, head ache. He actually has a smiffly cold. I'm not gotta do that. Just sayin. Hugs and kisses to my wonderful girl.
