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Notice that Alex and I have on the same expression in my profile picture. Me: scientist/engineer, aspiring novelist, daring adventurer, animal lover. This is my story.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Get Off Pine Sap With Rubbing Alcohol

I got an advertisement from Mary Janes Farm magazine today that told me I could get pine sap off my hands with rubbing alcohol. I will have to try that. So far, the best solution that I've tried is dirt. That requires a lot of scrubbing your hands with dirt to get all the sap off and then a lot off scrubbing your hands with soap and water to get all the dirt off. Alternatively, you can just get enough dirt into the sap that it's not sticky anymore, wash your hands, and live with a dirty spot on your skin until it wears off. Rubbing alcohol sounds like it might be easier.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Chicken Mansion

Andrew did most of the work on this project, and he took all the pictures. That's why he's not in any of them.

I'm cutting pieces for the trusses in this picture, but you can't see the miter saw

Andrew constructed a jig for quality control (no wavy roofs for us)

 We have truss issues (get it? get it?)

paint, paint, paint

Buddy says "what are you doing up there?"

Cupola Roof

Almost done
Hopefully my next post will show you a picture of a chicken house with hardware close, door and chickens...

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

A Pretty Picture

A View from the 7th Floor Balcony at Work 

Employed Engineer

For the longest time, my "about me" description has described me as an "unemployed engineer."Actually, it still says that, but it's not true anymore. I got a job...and it's in my field!
I got the job back in March, so I might have told you all about it in person. If you haven't heard from me, well... the job might be why. I work at a company called Arcadis. It's a consulting firm. My office in in downtown Portland in one of the big tall building with pretty views. It's pretty great.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Buddy Playing Fetch

We're at the dog park in this video. As you can tell, Buddy loves the soccer ball.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Today's To Do's

I'm sore before I even start. Why does my list have to be so freaking physical? Woe is I!

0. Do Pilates (3 minutes version) 55 lbs of exuberant dog sure makes that harder
1. Sand the wall
2. Put on another coat of skim
2.5 Fill hummingbird feeder
3. Go to Ace for primer
4. Put up the window trim
5. Sand the wall (again)
6. Touch up wall ? (maybe it won't need it) It needed it
7. Paint the wall with primer
Well I almost did it all. I got distracted and did some laundry, went to the dog park, played with the ferrets. I call it a good day.