Andrew and I built a trellis to train the rose onto. We used boards that we pulled out of the raised bed that some previous tenant put in the center of the front yard. We sliced the boards into smaller boards and put cool angles on them. By "we" I mostly mean Andrew. I cut two boards and generally assisted. We tied the rose to the trellis with garden twine.
As you can see in the picture at the bottom, I have a fat lip. Ember (at least I think it was Ember) knocked an empty water glass off the head board in the middle of the night. The glass hit Andrew in the forehead and my on the lip. My teeth cut a pretty nice gouge in my lip. The lip bled all over my teeth. It must have looked pretty gruesome judging by the look on Andrew's face when he saw it. He stopped holding the goose-egg on his forehead and started trying to comfort me. Sleepy, disgruntled, and alarmed by Andrew's alarm, I promptly burst into tears. I don't know what it is about ouchies on the face they don't even have to hurt that much and they make me cry. Tweezing my eyebrows makes me sneeze. Go figure. Anyway I rinsed the blood out of my mouth and went back to bed with a package of frozen peas shoved up under my lip. Even so it swelled up huge and made a nice dark bruise which is still there even though it has been nearly a week now. It had gone down a bit by the time this picture was taken.
The moral of this story is: Never leave water glasses on the headboard. They are sure to fall on you one way or another.
Trying to leave a comment, but not saying very much, because the comments I wrote previously (which were, of course, long, loving and brilliant) did NOT come through.
ReplyDeleteMust include love, even if not length or brilliance. So here's love, my precious j-girl!
Ha! I think that comment DID come through! If so, may I please have a piece of pizza? From the cheese half, not the sausage half.
ReplyDeleteMore love.