Andrew made pizza for dinner tonight. I helped by sitting on the kitchen stool and blinding him with the camera flash. Andrew likes sausage on his pizza. My stomach is iffy about sausage so tah-dah! Half of the pizza with sausage and half with just pure delicious cheese. That is, by the way, the largest cookie sheet that will fit in our oven. Full sized ones keep the door from closing, a fact that amuses me greatly.
Also, see how cute my jars of tea are on the book shelf!
Eating PIZZA and watching Full Metal Alchemist in bed is a fun way to spend an evening. Hmmm.... the bed has crumbs in it. Huh, they only seem to be on my side. Andrew did you send all of your crumbs over here? Magic! That is talent. The crumbs couldn't have been from me.
The lovely plate here is the work of Mom.
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