Meet Nicole, my long time friend and partner in crime. I met Nicole in 2005. She was my roommate at reed coop at OSU (not to be confused Reed college.) This random roommate pairing was an incredible stroke of luck of a judicious move on the part of higher powers. This crazy girl is one of the fabulous few who will climb trees with me.
She is a selective strawberry picker. She covered three times the distance that I did as she searched the row of strawberries for the very best.
1. make relatively little
2. enjoy picking
At the moment Nicole and I are in the double win category because we don’t make much and we’re having fun. I hope that I will still be able to afford the time in ten years. I think it is easiest to be happy when you're somewhere between professional strawberry picker and high powered executive.
I agree it was pure cosmic luck that we kindred spirits became roommates! Love the post and I think we should have a tree climbing adventure soon :)