Too much coffee, I guess. The sensation is nearly identical to the choked, slightly strangled feeling I get from swallowing pills without enough water. It passes in time, but it is one of the more unpleasant experiences I have endured in my rather comfortable life. I can see why it's called heart burn. It's in the chest. It burns. Why exactly does it burn?
The fact that it is called acid indigestion leads me to believe that heartburn is caused by the stomach environment becoming too acidic, but why the sensation of heat? Drinking cold water helps. Is it the dilution or the cold. I'm sure the wise and magical internet knows, but, for now, I am content in my ignorance.
Upon arrive home (feeling quite horrible), I devoured a handful of tums. That's 4 to be precise.
While I was chewing my chalky salvation, I discovered that Andrew had made dinner. What a great surprise.