About This Blog

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Notice that Alex and I have on the same expression in my profile picture. Me: scientist/engineer, aspiring novelist, daring adventurer, animal lover. This is my story.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Sister time

Pookie came over and spent the day with me. It was great to have sister time. We started writing a story together. I think it's going to be good. We talking about putting it up on a blog.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Kiri's blog

So I just discovered my friend Kiri's blog. It's very good. I recommend it.

Hot Temper

That pulse of rage. It sets my teeth on edge and my fingers tingling. I want to fight. I want to growl and snarl.
Things make me so mad sometimes. The heat of fury is completely useless in my world. All it does is tire me out as I fight to keep it in and then breath it out slowly or cry it out quickly. To be pissed about something is all well and good, but to be ruled by ones emotions is not the way to live. Shit happens. People are stupid and unfair sometimes. Sometimes there's nothing you can really do about it and sometimes there is, but fury doesn't often help.
Now if only I knew a way to dismiss it, but it's like pain. Wouldn't it be nice if you could just say, "go away, headache. I see you now. I will try to rest more but right now I can't." but no. a headache persists and so does fury. Anger can hang around a lot longer than a headache too. You're mad for a reason but the reason can be hard to fix and a person's natural impulses are often counter productive. For example throwing rotten eggs at the person I am angry with just isn't going to cut it, but I sure would like to.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Dog and Ferret Explore The Yard

I just made Micky pee herself. 
It's a great talent that I have. I put on a deep voice and say "pee yourself," and she does. Sometimes I don't even have say anything. Last time Andrew came to visit my parents, Micky was so excited to see him that she spun in a circle and peed on his foot. So maybe my talent isn't so very unique.

Now it's time or some neck stratches.

Mom wasn't home, but we managed to get Micky to go out into the backyard with us with the help of her best friend, Bear. If he was out back, she just had to come too.

Bear, "what's this?"

Micky says "Watcha doin'. Come play with me." 

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


I had a dream yesterday that I was at a doctor's office and the doctor was telling me that I had some kind of terminal illness and had less than a few weeks to live. I was very upset about it. In my dream I said to Andrew, "I want a second opinion, and if it's true, I want a dog."
Then I woke up to find myself at home with as much chance as anybody of living a long and healthy life. The dream made me appreciate more the existence that is mine. Apparently the only thing that I really find to be missing is a dog. I guess that means I have a pretty good life.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

A walk on the beach at Cannon Beach

He ruptured his Achilles tendon in June and here he is walking on the beach. So pleased to be walking again!

Oh my mysterious lady, what is your name?

Auntie "Wooow"

So mysterious


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

What kind of job are you looking for?

What kind of job are you looking for? What exactly is your degree good for? What is an Environmental Engineer?
As a person who is one class away from getting a master in Environmental Engineering, I should not have trouble answering those questions. As a young professional looking for a job I should know the answer to that too... and I do. I do know the answer. Do I have a concise way of putting it into a simple statement that somebody outside my field can understand? No, I don't and that's a problem. Expect an essay to come answering those questions. Here's a list for now.

An Environmental Engineer:
Treats waste water
Treats polluted air (for example think about coal plants)
Does remediation (think cleaning up contaminated ground water)
Designs artificial wetlands
Habitat restoration

Monday, August 19, 2013

Sunset at Cannon Beach


 Sarah and Joe

Mom and Dad

Random Couples watching the sunset. I think the guy and his dog get the prize for cutest couple